Self- Defense and Self- Protection are not the Same Thing.

There may be a bit of cross over but I find the following definitions work pretty well.

Self- Protection is making sound decisions to avoid dangerous people and situations.

Self-defense is taking action necessary to deal with an aggressor or an attack.

Self Protection

Let’s first look at self-protection. This encompasses the many mundane daily decisions that many people don’t even think twice about but criminals note when picking victims.

There are the obvious ones like don’t park your car in a lonely hidden parking spot that you will be returning to late at night.

Let’s go beyond the obvious. To do this we have to leave our nice law-abiding world and let’s think like a criminal. It’ll be fun and maybe a little bit eye-opening.

The Sticker Game

My wife and I like to play a game while we are sitting in traffic. We literally read cars. You might be surprised how much information is displayed about a person and their family on the back of their car. Like that cute little stick family on the back window. They are advertising to the world and various unsavory types How many children live in their home and even if they own a dog. We all know you’re proud of your world-class 3rd grader and we now know what school they attend. A parking permit may tell an attacker what parking lot your daughter’s car can be found in.

Several years ago there was a safety program in which participating municipalities made stickers available to parents to place on the window of rooms that children slept in.

This was intended to be a signal to firefighters of the possible location of a child when responding to a fire. The program fell out of favor when it was realized that firefighters were not the only people taking note of this.

Displaying an NRA sticker could signal to some bad guy to avoid this house a shooter lives here but it might also tip them off that there are guns that could be stolen in this house. You may be proud of your martial arts training but if you plan to use it in self-defense the sticker in your rear window kind of blows your cover.

On the flip side, a peace sign or a coexist bumper sticker is a pretty good tip-off that you will not be armed.

Even the type of car that you drive could make you a potential target.

Situational Awareness

This is a big one that I cannot overstress. Pay attention to what’s happening around you. Do you hear shouting or running feet don’t assume that popping sound is firecrackers.

We must always be aware of our surroundings especially in transitional spaces. A transitional space is anywhere that you would expect people to be coming and going, like parking lots, gas pumps, even entrance, and exits of stores, theaters, and restaurants. You are not situationally aware if you have headphones on listening to music or are engrossed in a phone call.

In a recent study of incarcerated felons, a person who appears inattentive or distracted was the number one thing that highlighted them as a potential victim.

In the city that I live in we had an active shooter situation in a downtown bank building. A young woman carrying a smartphone and wearing earbuds was entering the lobby of that building. People that were hiding behind a large planter attempted to warn her. She could not hear them and walked right into gunfire. Fortunately, she survived several gunshot wounds.

Most gas station/convenience stores (known in some circles as the local stop and rob) are designed so that the cashier can be seen through the windows. This is done so that they are visible to patrol officers driving through the parking lot as well as other passers-by. I try to always take note of what’s going on inside the store before I walk through that door. This could give me a heads up as to what I may be about to walk into.

I am not suggesting that you turn your self into a paranoid freak but rather just think and be observant. If your gut tells you a situation just doesn’t feel right trust it and leave. Being Observant buys us time and time buys us options.


This is probably the most valuable skill that you can master. Don’t let your ego get you into trouble. If a verbal confrontation is getting heated say I,m sorry or I don’t want trouble with you or whatever it takes to de-escalate. Then leave.

If this sounds cowardly just bear in mind no matter how skilled you are at fighting be that fist, knife or gun the only fight you are guaranteed not to lose is the one that you don’t get into.

Self Defense

As I mentioned in the beginning self-defense is taking physical action to ward off an attack. Your precautions have failed, you cannot de-escalate you are now the prey of someone who wants to violently rob, rape, abduct or murder you. I’m sorry if that sounds blunt but a violent attack is sudden, shocking and can happen to anyone even you.

It is very common to hear victims of violence state that their attacker just came out of nowhere. Having read the first part of this article you know that is probably not the case. I’m sure that it felt that way but in reality, your attacker noticed you were distracted and not paying attention and chose you as an easy victim. The bad guy wants a victim, not a fight.

The bad guy gets to choose the time and place for his assault. It will almost always be some sort of an ambush. That doesn’t mean he will jump out of the bushes or a dark doorway although that may be the case, it may be the person asking what time it is, launching their attack while you are distracted looking at your watch or phone.

I recommend holding up your hand and stopping any stranger before they are within arms reach. the further away the better. This may seem rude but if they are a stranger don’t let them into your space go ahead and be a little rude. If they indeed had no ill intent they will understand.

On the other hand, they may apologize and begin to turn to leave this slight turn of the body may be the windup for a punch so stay ready until they have walked well away.

I highly recommend getting some empty-handed self-defense training. I personally train in Krav Maga (this is not Hollywood martial arts it is down and dirty fighting like your life depended on it). You will learn useable skills from your first-day training.


For many people, the word weapon is synonymous with the word gun. However, there are many weapons available to you some purpose-built others just handy items that can be used as a weapon in a pinch.

If you attacked in your home the kitchen is full of pointy things like steak knives, butcher knives or barbecue forks These are the obvious ones but thrown can goods could ward off and attacker.

In the bathroom a metal spray can gripped in the hand can be used as a striking weapon hitting with the bottom edge.

likewise, your cell phone gripped tightly and used by striking with the corner to the bridge of the nose or temple can be effective.

Other items like a pen can be held dagger style and be used to inflict injury.

This is just a shortlist of found items that may serve as a force multiplier if you are caught unprepared.

The main failing with these is that they are contact weapons and afford you no distance from your attacker. Knives can be formidable weapons if you are trained in their use but are also contact weapons and any contact weapon has the possibility of being taken away and used against you.

Get a little distance

One of the most common distance weapons is pepper spray. I actually prefer pepper gel as it is less affected by wind and sticks to your target. Pepper spray will allow you to defend yourself from ten to fifteen feet away. I should note the propper hold is important. Always hold it in your fist and spray it with your thumb in a sweeping motion ear to ear. Classes on the propper use are taught in most cities I would recommend attending one near you.

The Firearm

The firearm is the ultimate self-defense distance weapon. As the old west saying goes God created man but Sam colt made them equal.

There is nothing that shifts the balance of power between an attacker and his intended victim like a firearm in her hand. Criminals aren’t looking for a fight they are looking for a victim.

If you choose to carry a gun get training. Many gun shops and firing ranges hold classes ranging from basic firearm training to advance defensive use. They welcome the new user seeking knowledge and skills.

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